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PRO for Public Sector
Language provides a powerful advantage.
Rosetta Stone helps public sector organizations equip employees
with the language skills necessary to operate effectively in a culturally
diverse and globally integrated economy.
Our scalable, interactive solutions have been used by over 8,000
businesses, 9,000 public sector organizations, and 20,000 education
institutions worldwide, and by millions of learners in over 150 countries.
With two decades of experience behind us, we’re continuing to develop
award-winning innovations that improve the lives of people and the
operations of organizations every day. Our proprietary, proven method
leverages interactive technologies to replicate key features of the
immersion environment in which people learn their f irst language. It
activates each employee’s natural aptitude for acquiring a new language
regardless of language background.
A workforce with the ability to communicate in multiple languages
positions an organization for success in a multilingual world. Our
innovative Rosetta Stone TOTALe
PRO solution for public sector
organizations provides a proven path to make language a powerful
competitive advantage.