Focused Activities

After you've completed each Core Lesson, you'll proceed in your course through a series of focused activities that enhance your language skills. You'll practice each skill in a concentrated short activity, such as Pronunciation, Grammar, or Vocabulary.

See Explore View to display all the focused activities.

The Core Lesson is the main activity that teaches language. It includes a variety of exercises designed to introduce you to new language content. 

The Pronunciation activity focuses on refining your pronunciation by breaking down the words into letters and syllables.

Vocabulary is reinforced through a combination of images, reading, and listening exercises to help you practice your new words.

The Grammar activity helps you focus on the grammatical structures of the language you have learned.

The Listening activity helps you learn to recognize the words by sound only.

Listening and Reading skills reinforce the connection between spoken and written text.

The Reading activity introduces sounds and letters from your new language and builds your reading ability as you learn.

The Writing activity guides you into recognizing the alphabet and learning to spell words in the language you are learning.

The Speaking activity gives you plenty of speech practice, so you're confident speaking right away.

The Review activity brings back content you've mastered in previous activities for reinforcement.