Read a Story

In Rosetta World, you can read and listen to Stories to enjoy in your new language.

To unlock more stories, continue your progress in Rosetta Course. You can also review stories from earlier Units.

  1. Click the Stories button in the Solo activities section of the TOTALeā„¢ Home Screen.

  2. Choose a story in your current Unit, or navigate to a different Unit to see more stories.
  3. Click Read Story.

  4. When the Story opens, click the icons on the left to choose how you want to play the story: Listen and Read, Listen, or Read.

  5. Click Play to start the story. The Play button changes to Pause.
  6. Roll over a highlighted word to see an illustration of what the word means.
  7. To adjust the text size, click the buttons on the upper right.
  8. To adjust the volume, pull down the menu on the upper left and use the slider bar.
  9. Click the menu and choose Leave Activity when you are finished.